Sometime ago, a woman took her little girl to the hospital to get medical treatment after she started complaining of pain all over her body.  When asked by the doctor what part of her body hurt, the child said, “Everywhere.”  Mystified as to how everywhere could be hurting, the doctor asked her to touch the specific area of her body hurting.   The girl touched her big toes and exclaimed, “Ouch! they hurt.” She touched her knees and groaned in pain. Next, she touched her chest, and then her face, the same thing - they all hurt.  Baffled by the situation, the doctor decided to investigate further.  Upon closer examination, the doctor discovered that the little girl actually had a broken finger, and that she had been using that finger to touch her body.  No matter where she touched on her body, she felt the pain from her broken finger.  However, she had naively attributed the pain to each body part she touched, leading her to believe that everywhere was hurting. Her broken finger was treated, and she was discharged.

Today in our society, many people hurt in different areas of their lives: emotionally, spiritually, relationally, financially, physically, etc.  However, the truth is, like that little girl, the root cause of many people’s problems is a broken relationship with God.  A broken relationship between man and God is a central spiritual problem that underlies and affects every single aspect of a person’s life.  It manifests as emotional, relational, financial, physical, and socially problems.  But instead of treating the heart of the matter, many people attempt to find solutions through various means -- science, philosophy, psychology, materialism, humanism, immorality, alcoholism, drug addiction, and the likes.  However, employing any of these mechanisms is like putting a layer of veneer coating on a piece of rotten wood.  It doesn’t solve the problem - the wood is still rotten underneath. To have real solutions to our hurts -no matter what type they may be- our broken relationship with God cannot be simply overlooked or overlaid with human contraptions and gimmicks.  Rather, it must be acknowledged and repaired. Just like that broken finger, until it is addressed and treated, life will continue to hurt, no matter what or where you touch. 

The Main Obstacle

The greatest obstacle to repairing man’s broken relationship with God is pride.  Pride puts man at the center of life, the one around whom everything revolves - instead of God. Pride  makes us believe we can steer the ship of our own lives and prescribe our own moral standards. But the attempt to command and captain the ship of one’s life is nothing less than attempting to take God’s place and play God’s role. It is an impossible proposition!

Sin, which is the breaking of God’s spiritual and moral laws, is the main cause of the brokenness in the relationship between man and God, man and his fellow, and man and his environment. However, pride, which is the refusal to acknowledge God’s sovereignty and authority over us is the greatest of all sins.  Instead of repenting and turning to God, many would rather continue to turn to man-made escape routes; all the while, they continue to hurt on every side.  Artificial, man-devised mechanisms of dealing with pains and problems just don’t work.  Consequently, suppressing pain with substance abuse, evading, dismissing, or denying truth through human philosophy and naturalistic rationalizations, or even blaming others for our woes, can never treat man’s underlying problem - broken relationship with God. The tricks and techniques are just prideful copouts.  If you really want to experience peace and true solutions to life’s pestering pains, you need to abandon all the futile human techniques, and simply acknowledge truth – that you are a sinner, and you have a broken relationship with God your creator, and you want that relationship repaired.

The bible says, “for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Everyone - and yes, that includes you- is a sinner.  Secondly, you must be willing to repent from your sinful way of life, and to ask for forgiveness of your sins through Jesus Christ the Son of God. God has made Jesus the sacrifice for the sins of mankind.  The bible says, “In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation [sacrifice] for our sins” (1 John 4:10; 1 Pet 3:18). 

Without repentance there can be no forgiveness and salvation.   Jesus said, “I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3).  Lastly, you must be ready to put God back where He belongs -- at the driver seat of your life.  God’s very first commandment is, “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:3).  Jesus said, “You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him ONLY you shall serve” (Matt 4:10).  This is what it takes to mend the broken relationship between God and man.  It is after these decisive steps that the hurts in all other areas of your life can be healed.  A honest and wise man would not paint over a rotten piece of wood without first repairing or replacing it.  Likewise, a wise man would not deny or avoid repairing his broken relationship with God, especially if he truly desires a wholesome life. 

Do you desire a restored relationship with God? Then take the above steps right away.  Right where you are, pray and talk to God in prayer.  Tell Him that you are sorry for keeping Him out of your life all this time, attempting to take His role in your life. Ask that He would forgive yours sins because His Son Jesus Christ died in for you. Ask Jesus to become your personal Lord and savior as from today, and tell Him that you are willing to follow Him sincerely with all your heart.

IF you prayed that prayer, the Lord has heard you because He’s a loving and faithful Father. Your sins are forgiven, and your relationship with God is restored just like that!

Your next step is to follow through this new life-changing decision.  And that is where we coming.    We are a local church in your community, used by God to supply this tract.  We would like to know about your decision for the Lord as soon as possible, so that we can come alongside of you in your spiritual walk with God.  We ask that you contact us through the information provided below.  Please allow us to provide you with the tools, means, and support that you need to be successful in your spiritual walk.  Contact us today.


Pastor Samuel Obadare

Abundant Life Center (CAC - WOSEM)